Is there a way to reduce the amount of space after the social-media share buttons that preceed a post and the start of the next post on the front page?
Please send me a screenshot for further checking.
To resolve this problem, you can log in to Dashboard > Appearance > Editor > open the style.css file, add the following code:
.content-list .hentry {
margin-bottom: 0;
hi I also wanted to minimize the space between post. I added the code you suggested above but it didn’t change anything.
@Jerome Kang
To minimize the space between post in the DW Minion. You can log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > Custom Code then add the following code to the “Header Code”
.content-list .hentry {
margin-bottom: 10px !important;
padding-top: 10px !important;
If you still face there issue, You can send me your site for further checking.
Thanks fo this, it helps me a lot !another question, how can i move down a little, the first article on homepage?
Please add the following code to the style.css file:
@media (min-width: 980px) {
#primary {
padding-top: 100px;
Hope this helps !
work perfectly ;-)That is the code to do the same for the right column?And is it possible to reduce blank space on top of the blog ( all the three column together)?
you can the following code:
@media (min-width: 980px) {
#primary {
padding-top: 100px;
#secondary {
padding-top: 100px;
Hope this helps !
Could you please tell me what I need to do to reduce the space between the date of the post and the body of post?
You can add the following code to the style.css file:
.entry-meta { margin-bottom: -30px; }
Hope this helps !
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