I’m going to be using the DW Focus 2 theme for my website but I am running into an issue. When you place the sidebar on the left and resize the page instead of the sidebar moving to the bottom of page it moves to the top?
Thanks in advance-
1 Answers
We have finished the Document of the theme, please find here for the document guide on how to configure the site: designwall.com/guide/dw-focus-2/
Please let me know if you have any issue or question.
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replied 8 years ago
To solve this issue, please add the following code to the style.css file:
.single-post .row {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex;
flex-flow: column;
.single-post .row .col-secondary {
order: 2;
.single-post .row .col-primary {
order: 1;
replied 8 years ago
Thanks for the quick response- It appears to have corrected our issue. I have been using DW Focus for a while now on one of my sites. The DW Focus 2 theme looks very promising. Any idea when documentation for that will be done? Thanks again for the quick response. John