Dale Morgan
asked 11 years ago

As a gaming site, we have a large focus on reviews. This theme doesn’t have any sort of built-in review system, so we are using a plugin to handle scores called Reviewer. Unfortunately, activating the plugin prevents any of the customization options on the site from working. Is there a way to solve this?
We want to migrate our existing site over to the new theme, so it’s essential that we are able to continue using the existing plugin as we already have several hundred reviews.

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Apologies for the delay in replying to you. Could you tell me which the plugin you are using for your site please ?

2 Answers
Dale Morgan
answered 11 years ago

Hi there,
Sorry for the late reply!
The plugin we use is called Reviewer: http://codecanyon.net/item/reviewer-wordpress-plugin/5532349

Dale Morgan
replied 11 years ago

I did mention which plugin we were using in my original question 😉

answered 11 years ago

That’s hard for us to keep track this plugin at the moment. Could you please send us your username & password of your site? So that we can have a closer view what’s happening.

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