Can you create a horizontal scrolling option for client logos in that section? We’d like to showcase all of our previous and current clients, but not make the page super long.
Thank you!
Hi Amylong !
Currently, Our DW Page theme does not yet support to have a horizontal scrolling option for client logos in portfolio section. We will discuss about this issue in the next version.
Hi Dominic,
I’m actually just asking how I can mimic the portfolio section, IN the client section.
Let me know how this is possible.
Can this code in the shortcode.php file be modified and inserted into the client section somehow?
//Carousel inner
$projects .= ‘
$i = 0;
$span = ‘span’ . (12 / $col);
while( $the_query->have_posts() ): $the_query->the_post();
if( $i % $ppp == 0 ){
if( $i != 0 ){
$projects .= ‘
//Carousel item
$projects .=’
Yes! I see that the blog section also has this carousel function. How can this code be modified to fit into the client logos section?
//Carousel inner
$blog .= ‘
$i = 0;
$span = ‘span’ . (12 / $col);
while( $the_query->have_posts() ): $the_query->the_post();
if( $i % $ppp == 0 ){
if( $i != 0 ){
$blog .= ‘
//Carousel item
$blog .=’
$class = ”;
if( $i % $col == 0 ){
$class .= ‘ first’;
$blog_id = get_the_ID();
$categories = get_the_category($blog_id);
$get_categories = ”;
if ($categories) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$get_categories .= $category->cat_name.’ ‘;
$blog .= ‘
if( is_mobile() || is_tablet_but_ipad() ){
$blog .= ‘
$blog .= ‘
Hi Amylong !
We are checking and customize carousel function for the Client section in the DW Page. We will release as soon as possible.
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replied 11 years ago
Similar to how the portfolio section scrolls horizontally. Thank you!!