Hey guys,
I created a contact form using Contact Form 7 Plugin as suggested by the theme. I pasted this code into my contact page [contact-form-7 id="459" title="Contact Form"]. The form is there, but there are no styles applied to any of the form fields. Your example of a form field is styled with CSS http://demo.designwall.com/dw-jason/?page_id=347. Do I need a class on the main form field or how do I apply the styles from the theme to the form field? I thought it would be automatic. Thanks guys!
1 Answers
Please log in to Dashboard > Contact , edit Contact form 1, then add the following code to the Form section.
[text* your-name class:form-control placeholder "Your Name"]
[email* your-email class:form-control placeholder "Your Email"]
[text your-subject class:form-control placeholder "Subject"]
[textarea your-message class:form-control]
<div class="clearfix">
[submit class:btn class:btn-default class:pull-right "Send"]
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/4tj11f
Hope this helps !
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replied 10 years ago
I guess I can’t paste this code in, the form code is:–contact-form-7 id=”459″ title=”Contact Form”–