for testing theme i use subdomain new and this code for change boss template:
define( ‘DW_DIR’, ABSPATH.’/wp-content/themes/dw/’);
define(‘TEMPLATEPATH’, ABSPATH.’/wp-content/themes/dw/’);
define(‘STYLESHEETPATH’, ABSPATH.’/wp-content/themes/dw/’);
and this code not work with u template because u use DW_DIR and get_template_directory(),
please replace get_template_directory on DW_DIR.
get_template_directory used mysql opetion path and cant work when i use other template in main.
Well sorry but i just don’t understand what you want ?
but i think get_template_directory()
is a function of wordpress and theme developer for wordpress could use that. Otherwise , if you want to use the theme your way ( to use in sub domain ) you need to custom it 🙂
Thanks for you comments, we appreciate and will consider about that issue. Glad.
i have problem with u theme in, u theme use constant DW_DIR and "get_template_directory()". pls replace function on u constant DW_DIR.
Thank you for your advice , we will note this and fix it when we release new version of the theme. At this time pls custom it your way. Glad.
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