Hey guys,
The DW Question and Answer plugin now can support German and Iranian thanks to the contributed translation files from Marcus Scheunemann and Farid Gh in Github. While observing, I can see that the plugin is already being used in other languages than English, and this make us feel great.
Actually, we are in need of translation contributors for the plugin who can help us translate the plugin into other languages. So if you are already using the plugin in your own language, we would appreciate if you can contribute the translation files to the plugin. You can either contribute directly into Github project at: https://github.com/designwall/dw-question-answer/tree/master/languages
Or simply drop us an email: [email protected]
Dear Daniel,
plz use the following guide to help you: http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/guide/dw-question-answer-plugin/#how_to_translate_dw_question_answer_plugin
Thanks guys, I found the guide. I’m just finishing the translation to Portuguese. I’ll test it tomorrow and make it available.
test comment
What languages are a priority to you?
Hmm good question Guru. I think French is one of the popular one.
But actually there is no priority that I want to set here. It’s more about supply – demand. If someone is looking for a translation, simply leave the comment here, if someone already translated the plugin, simply raise your hands 🙂
I will soon provide a couple of language really soon.
You are my hero now Guru 😀
I’m translating the plugin in polish now 😀
Cool Dawid, looking forward to it 😀
By the way, just an update that we got Romanian language supported in Github. Yay!
Oh, DW Question and Answer is going to be a plugin for Eastern Europe 😀
Well, it has been an American one for long now 😀
I can translate for you 😀 I talk Canadian French
I have a some friends in Poland. I will ask them to help us translate to their language.
I’m also finding someone says RTL language, so we can support RTL language in upcoming version of DWQA
I can help for RTL language, I’ll start working on it tomorow if it’s ok
Wow really, it’s awesome. Please do so Kanzari 🙂
RTL can be tough, so let us know if you need any help.
Quick update: we just received the Turkish translation. Thanks to the contribution of Ahmet Kolcu @aahmetkolcu.org
Hi, I just finish the Frensh translation this is the files :
and it’s working 🙂 you can see it in action here :
have fun 🙂
Awesome Kanzari! Thanks a lot.
We have added your translation files to Github: https://github.com/designwall/dw-question-answer/commit/e044bbcf70ae74d4389d0fa129774efaadd22ab9
Russian language: http://blogbankir.ru/vopros-otvet
Hi Roman,
The site looks good. Can you share your translation file please? We will add it into the plugin.
say me e-mail, i will send
Great! Please send to our email: [email protected]
Some words do not replace:
We just got Spanish translation. Credit to David Robles 😀
I’m feeling wonderful ^^
hi,I just love this plugin and I had finish chinese translation in this file,
Great stuff, keep the good work.
OMG I love you guys so much
Hi Jin,
I did translate the strings in the .po file using a text file editor (don’t know if it is supposed to do it this way), but how do I generate the .mo?
Can you guide me?
Then I’ll test the translation and I’ll share it with the community.
Thank you,
CodeStyling Localization: http://www.code-styling.de/english/development/wordpress-plugin-codestyling-localization-en
I use it for translation (and for po/mo)
So hi evreyone i found DW Q&A very powerful so i translate it to Arabic last night and i’m ready to do anything for DW 😀 i love this plugin
and i upload it to my host : Arabic DW Q&A Translate .
So wonderful Nidhal 😀
Can you send us the translation files to [email protected]? We will add it to the plugin soon after ^^
Thanks a lot!
Quick update: we just received the Polish translation from Karol Pergot.
However, anyone who knows Polish can help to check out the translation and make any correction if needed 🙂
Today update: we now support Thai and Hindi language for the plugin.
Thanks for the contribution from: Gaurav Tiwari (@wpgaurav) and Varut Vutipongsatorn.
Hey @Jin. I am glad that I could help a little. Just wanted to let you know that I found grammatical mistake in default .po file at line 344:
“By default,The container is not have gutter. You can set padding width to make a gutter. You make it by update setting here.”
I am not an English expert, but there should be ‘..the container does not have…’ or something.
It’s ok, we make mistakes sometimes. Can you update the language file and resent it to us 😀
I have translated the language file into Hindi correctly by using common sense. All you need to edit your own Default.po file . Then (may be) all other language files should be updated too.
Oh, my bad, I misunderstood your point.
Thanks for pointing it out. We will correct and update it right away.
Looking for translation into Brazilian Portuguese? I can help.
Hi Michel,
How is everything? We are looking forward to an awesome Portuguese translation of the plugin from you 😀
Help me Michel, I have trouble finding it for http://irctc-pnrstatus.in/
Here my translation contribution for vietnamese. Please update
Awesome friend 🙂
Thanks a lot!
i’ve updated the Vietnamese translation for new recent version(also correct some spell). So please update.
Thanks a lot Le Nghia 🙂
We will update the file.
I saw in lastest version (1.3.3), the Vietnamese language is not load correct because you missing "_VN" in file name of .mo,.po file (dwqa-vi.mo need change to dwqa-vi_VN.mo, and dwqa-vi.po need change to dwqa-vi_VN.po). Please update to new version.
Thank for your feedback, we will check and update it in the next version.
Quick update guys: we just released DW Question & Answer version 1.2.6.
In this version we have new languages supported which are: Thai, Hindi, Catalan and Vietnamese 🙂
hello this is good
Hello Jin, I am sending you a Croatian translation to [email protected].
Hi Tammara,
Just received your email! Way to go 🙂
Thanks a lot
Hi iam somali man and i can translate this plugin to Somali language.
do i start the translation now?
Hi iam somali man and i can translate this plugin to Somali language.
do i start the translation now?
Yes, please do so Abdirizak 😀
And when you are done, please send us the translation file to our email: [email protected]
Thanks a lot!
JIN Thank u very much If you give me the instructions of translation and what to use, its very very easy for me to translate to somali and then send u to your email.
And also i use this plugin for my website.
Iweydii is somali word means “ask me”.
There is one feature that iam feeling that is not part of the plugin, for example when users need to ask question, the problem might be some thing that cant be written and they want to input a snapshot, so they cant.
You can refer to our userguide here (How to translate DW Question & Answer part): http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/guide/dw-question-answer-plugin/ to know how to translate the plugin.
About what you said, yes we are aware of this missing feature from the editor. We will soon improve and add this feature 🙂
I translated the plugin to Somali Language i did all the step you mentioned, i downloaded the wp-config.php files edited and then uploaded.i refreshed the website nothing changed.
Thanks for translations!
Great to see so many people wanting to help out with this great plugin 🙂
I translated the plugin to Somali Language i did all the step you mentioned, i downloaded the wp-config.php files edited and then uploaded.
i refreshed the website nothing changed.
hello why not answering my question
Apologies for the delay in replying to you. Please send me your .po file. I will check on our demo.
Is it possible, that free version has better Czech translation than the Pro version?
I am missing like 50% of words :/
At the moment, you can use Loco translate plugin to create new language file and you can use the Sync option to update your language file.
Ok, I have done it. You could use it in your actual PRO version (instead of yours).
Here is it for download: https://uloz.to/file/QOHkF6MTUiJ6/dwqa-cs-zip
Thank for your help. We will check and update the language file now.
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replied 11 years ago
I have translated to pt-BR
replied 11 years ago
replied 11 years ago
Yes, i have translate almost 85% of plugin in Bulgarian language and will do in Serbian as well, but unfortunately i cannot get him to work with me… i ask for help and on wordpress site and here. If somebody can help, please…my issue is that i cannot post answer on question…Hopefully somebody will help me and i will finish translation ( have about 15% in admin section, front is translated). Cheers
replied 10 years ago
yes, i have translated.
replied 10 years ago
That’s great.