Nemanja Krecelj
asked 10 years ago

I have problem with DW Fixel theme, there is a social share buttons in left side of post. When i click on Twitter share, i go to twitter page to share link in this form: “PostTItleLink” no space between title and link, so people must manual add space to be clickable link. How to fix it?

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

To resolve this issue, you can open the single.php file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-fixel”. find the line 15. Replace the following code:

<li><a class="twitter" href="<?php echo get_the_title() . rawurlencode( $url ) ?>" title="<?php _e('Share to Twitter',DW_TEXTDOMAIN) ?>" target="_blank"><i class="icon-twitter" /><span><?php echo dw_get_twitter_count( $url ); ?></span></a></li>

With new code:

<li><a class="twitter" href="<?php echo get_the_title() .' '. rawurlencode( $url ) ?>" title="<?php _e('Share to Twitter',DW_TEXTDOMAIN) ?>" target="_blank"><i class="icon-twitter" /><span><?php echo dw_get_twitter_count( $url ); ?></span></a></li>

 Hope this helps !

Nemanja Krecelj
replied 10 years ago

Thanks, it’s working!

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