We could not translate the content of the category page ?!!
Please help.
This section did not come from our plugin, it’s your theme. In this case, you can send me the username & password of your site for further checking
For this issue, I noticed that when you chang, and set Question list Page & Ask Question Page in arabic, it works well, but only in one language. If possible can we set different pages for different languages in your plugin settings ?! Picture —> https://ibb.co/txYnysf
We appreciate your help.
At the moment, the plugin just supported to select a language page in the Setting and can not change the Categories section that you have customized in the discussion page.
In this case, you can create a page template for the plugin and custom the HTML code in this file.
Can you possibly please do that for us ?
Hi Dominic
We solved the issue by giving up the content above. it’s only your code now
Thank you for your support
Hi Dominic
Is there any possible way to translate the discussion word please ?! I tried Loco and WPML but did not work !
Picture: https://ibb.co/9rLPK86
Give me new password. Also, you should keep the password for further checking.
sorry for that, I have added new access. Please help Dominic, we appreciate it 🙂
We have checked and see that the plugin does not compatible with the WPML plugin and can not translate the slug.
We need to translate it please ! Can you update your plugin please
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