naddy g
asked 11 years ago

Also know when will release it.
Very keen to know about it.
Loves your plugin, really awsome

5 Answers
Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

Currently we are developing these features:
– Revision Question:
– Question review before publishing
Most of these features are required by people who are using this plugin like you. So if you have any idea, suggestion, you can contribute to us. We will make decision to apply to the main product.

naddy g
replied 11 years ago

It will be great when the “$tone” currently in this site is included in the upcoming feature.
Also could you add “Promote your Question:” feature as like in

Blue Presley
answered 11 years ago

I would like to see an “Ask Question Anonymously” option.
Note, I’m not saying that I want anonymous users to be able to ask questions. Personally, I believe there needs to be a way to still maintain content integrity by making sure anyone who asks a question has an account.
But, if, for example, someone were to check “Ask Question Anonymously” box then no viewer could  see whose account it was related to (although, Admins could for moderation.)
As an example, see how Quora works. Have to have an account, but can ask without anyone knowing it’s you.

Blue Presley
answered 11 years ago

Feature request #2 (more important that the one I wrote above, in my opinion)
Please make tags autocomplete.
So far in user experiences people are typing in multiple tags and misspellings are getting into the mix. For example ‘community and comunity’
If a tag has already been used, it should show up in the list. Only if it’s never been used before would it be allowed to be added.
This would work just like the jquery autocomplete demo
This allows multiple tags separated by commas to be entered.

Akshay Garg
replied 11 years ago

people are typing in multiple tags and misspellings are getting into the mix. But, if, for example, someone were to check “Ask Question Anonymously” box then no viewer could see whose account it was related to (although, Admins could for moderation.)

answered 11 years ago

if dw team can do like it can be great( X community experts online (wp have some plugin  like this but thats not good+useful), and ask question with  answer page can show same page, + Latest Activities like askmefast..) (Btw sorry for my bad english)

Josiah Wallingford
answered 11 years ago

I desperately need the ability to work with custom roles. I cannot even use the plugin until this is enabled. Right now I have the plugin on two sites just sitting, all setup, in inactive mode until this is available.
Love the plugin and would love to be able to use it.

answered 11 years ago

Would love to be able to sort the questions by the latest answer! My community is always looking for the most recent answers submitted!

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