The vertical alignment of the date in the Headline widget (the news ticker thing) is off in Safari… including on the Focus demo site.
Looks fine in current Chrome :
… but here it is in Safari 7.0.6:
Thanks for letting me know if there’s a CSS change I can make before the theme’s next update.
2 Answers
To resolve this issue, you can log in to Dashboard > Customize > Custom Code, then add the following code to the Custom wp_head() code.
.chrome #under-navigation .dw_focus_headlines .headlines .time_diff {
top: -12px !important;
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
#under-navigation .dw_focus_headlines .headlines .time_diff {
top: 0 !important ;
Hope this helps !
That did the job, Dominic! Thanks very much.
Of course ! 😀 We will fix this issue for the demo.
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