Amanda Farough
asked 11 years ago

Hey guys,
First: love this theme. It’s really, really well designed. So, thanks for making that easy on me.
Second: I’m having problems figuring out why my page content is showing up without paragraph tags and, therefore, no line breaks. This is a fresh install with only Akismet in the backend, so I don’t believe that it’s a plugin issue. Check it out here:
I usually don’t need the extra assistance, but missing paragraph tags is a bit troubling. 
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

2 Answers
Amanda Farough
answered 11 years ago

It would appear that the short-term fix is using TinyMCE Advanced and turning on the paragraph tags like that. Would love to avoid using a plugin to fix this, however.

answered 11 years ago

To remove the paragraph tags in the content of DW Fixel, You can open the formatting.php file in the folder  “wp-includes/formatting.php” , find the line 71 then add the following code from the line 72 to 74.

remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
remove_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'wpautop' );

See the screenshot: Hope this helps !

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