This feature would help tremendously!
I would agree both with @admin and @Jin that anonymous question is a bad idea. This does not give comfort to users at large. The plugin already has private answer feature which should be sufficient for most cases.
Best plugin out there. Love it to bits!
Cheers H D
It’s already there. Just edit the permission in plugin settings.
Hello TaqwaMagazine,
Right now we already have the option for anonymous answer and comment.
As Feirox said, it is in the Setting in admin panel of the plugin.
If you mean anonymous question, then unfortunately we do not support it yet. Will soon discuss and have it in later versions of the plugin 🙂
@Hung Well it can be good only it need to be connected with some spam filtering like Akismet.
Checking the @ mention too, but seems to be not implemented yet, but that’s not something which will hold this plugin back. The best Q&A solution for WP out there. Cheers Guys!
This feature is actually tricky.
Take a look at Quora and Stackoverflow or other Q&A site, I hardly see anonymous questions. Personally I think anonymous questions does not make the site look valid an reliable.
We once think about cloud authentication login and this seems to be the possible solution for all.
I mean the @mentioning. 😉
Hello everyone,
I would like to announce that we now support Anonymous post for Question. This feature is supported in the latest version of the plugin: DW Question & Answer 1.2.6.
Check it out and let us know what you think:
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