when will be update Focus 2? Still missing documentation, import demo data, correcting bugs.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Yes, I’m checking and updating, I will upload the new package in the tomorrow, I promise you can download it from your profile in the tomorrow.
Also, we will try to update the document for the theme. If you have any question please let me know, I will help you configure the theme.
About the import demo data, we have provided the XML file, If you want to have it, I will send you now.
Great, this is good news. Theme Focus 2 is nice. And most importantly, no required any plugins, theme is lightweight, without composer. I will be very happy if the theme will continue to be updated and improved, please.
I have many ideas. For example: It would be possible to prepare a widget with a list of recent posts top-down ? With the thumbnail image, category, title, author, date, short description, number of comments and social sharing?
And XML file please send me. Thank you, Dominic.
Thank for your suggestion, we will check and discuss about it. About the XML file, you can download here:
For content: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7ofg37iptk97z5/dwfocus2.wordpress.2017-01-16.xml?dl=0
For widget: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s2w4qgmg2b9if05/demo.designwall.com-dw-focus-2-widgets.wie?dl=0
To import widget, you can install the WordPress widget import plugin.
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