asked 7 years ago

In Woocommerce….there is a column function that “wraps” the thumbnails that reside directly under the featured product image on the single product page. Unfortunately…..even though 5 thumbnails could fit on one row below the main product image on the single product page…….it stops at three thumbnails and lists subsequent thumbnails on a row below that row. It’s really unsightly. How can I get all 5 thumbnails below the main (featured) product image on the single product page in Woocommerce to show on the SAME row??
Thanks in advance for your help. -Jen

P.S.: I TYPED IN THE WRONG EMAIL ADDRESS earlier, lol….WHOOPS! Sorry….so please delete that one and use this one instead. 

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Which theme are you using? 
Please send me your site URL for further checking. I think this is the conflict between the latest version of the Woocommerce and theme.

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