I have follow the translation guide , My site language is define in en_US , I would like to translate some of text in Danish , I have find those changes in po file in DWfocus/language directory , I had follow the instruction described here
http://www.designwall.com/guide/how-to-translate-wordpress-theme/ ,
After updating mo file translation is not working , Any idea , Am i need to change the admin language to danish for this .
Have you tried select the language in the General settings.
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/81taz9
If it does not help, please let us know.
Yes but if i changes the lang to danish then my admin language will be changes to danish right , Is there any other way to make this translation works, thanks.
You can do the following:
- Get the the language pack (e.g. de_DE.mo) from wordpress.org. If the language pack isn’t available as a standalone download, you could also use the .mo file which is bundled in the WordPress ZIP-file for your language. Located under
. - Move the .mo file to
of your default (english) WordPress installation. - Change the
constant inwp-config.php
to the new locale (e.g. de_DE) - In your
add the following filter:
add_filter('locale', 'wpse27056_setLocale');
function wpse27056_setLocale($locale) {
if ( is_admin() ) {
return 'en_US';
return $locale;
Or you can use plugins for that: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/kau-boys-backend-localization/
Hope this helps !
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