Lara Mahr
asked 9 years ago

I’m a newbie to the DW Q&A plugin and to WordPress in general so I ask that you have patience with me if my question seems obvious or worse, stupid. I have the DW Q&A plugin up and running with categories and tags that I created. I understand that only the admin can create categories. Is this also true for tags? I created tags, however, when I go to my Ask Question page, it still lists Tag 1, Tag 2,…instead of the tags I created. I can select from my categories but not select tags. Can you help? Thanks.

1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

You can open the \wp-content\plugins\dw-question-answer\inc\templates\default\question-submit-form.php file then find the line 37.
Replace the following code:
<input type="text" name="question-tag" id="question-tag" placeholder="<?php _e( 'tag 1, tag 2,...', 'dwqa' ) ?>" value="<?php echo isset( $_POST['question-tag'] ) ? esc_html( $_POST['question-tag'] ) : ''; ?>" />

With new code:

    wp_dropdown_categories( array( 
                            'name'          => 'question-tag',
                            'id'            => 'question-tag',
                            'taxonomy'      => 'dwqa-question_tag',
                            'show_option_none' => __( 'Select question Tags', 'dwqa' ),
                            'hide_empty'    => 0,
                            'quicktags'     => array( 'buttons' => 'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,spell,close' ),
                            'selected'      => isset( $_POST['question-tag'] ) ? esc_html( $_POST['question-tag'] ) : false,
                        ) );

Hope this helps !

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