asked 8 years ago

When we set all questions to be moderated, users get the followup error/warning message at the top after they submit their question:
Your question is waiting moderator.
How can we change this?  This is not proper English.

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

It can be translate with the language of the theme. However you want to change that it’s in file : 
dw-question-answer/inc/handle.php Line : 482:
dwqa_add_notice( __( ‘Your question is waiting moderator.’, ‘dwqa’ ), ‘success’ );

change the word “‘Your question is waiting moderator.”  to what you want.

Jonas Frese
replied 5 years ago

Changing code in the a plugin file will just be deleted with the next plugin update, so this is not a proper solution to the Problem.

Is there a proper solution yet?

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

In this case, you should use the Loco translate plugin to translate this string.

Jonas Frese
replied 5 years ago

Unfortunately we use WPML for translation.
I fixed it using good old str_replace with the before_question_content variable, in the question submit form (make a custom template):

echo str_replace(‘Your question is waiting moderator.’, __(‘Your question is waiting for approval.’, ‘mytextdomain’), $before_question_content)

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

Yes, If you have any issue or question, you can let me know. We will check and help you resolve it.

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