asked 8 years ago

I’m working in a new site where different pages will cover different topics, where users can write questions and answers about that topic.
I’ve been trying to make it work with your plugin, setting a DWQA question fixed to a single category on every topic page (won’t need a category selector, since each page must accept questions about one single topic), and showing answers on the same topic (filtered by category too), but I cant make it work.
I need a set of shortcodes to define a fixed question category for each question topic page, and results only for that category. I’ve found the page about shortcodes in your guide page (, but none of my experiments are working so far.
Do you have a complete list of shortcodes with examples or demos so I can figure it out?
Thank you!

replied 5 years ago

Did you ever get an answer to this question? I have the same situation and my experiments are not going as I planned – I can create a page for the ask question per category, but the user still has to select Category (and users may overlook that and not post to correct category (which is different people being asked questions per category))

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

We have included the following shortcode for the pro version:
[dwqa-submit-question-form category=”demo”]

replied 5 years ago

I upgraded to Pro and that worked, thanks!

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

Yes, If you have any issue or question, you can let me know. We will check and help you resolve it.

replied 5 years ago

I did ask another question earlier today that was not answered – I have the above part working, but my situation is that I have 5 experts answering questions directed to them, so I need five separate Q&As – to do this, I am using Categories (unless you suggest otherwise), with each having own category – I can make a page for each and display questions for each person, but I need to know how to assign a Category to each expert, so they get the notifications EACH, not all getting notifications. May not have explained it well, but I also emailed this question earlier

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

At the moment, the plugin does not support to assign a Category to each expert and get the notification as you mentioned here. If you want to have it, we are ready to help you as a custom work with a charge of fee ( about $100).
In case that you are still interested in the feature, please kindly let us know, we will check and estimate the time.

replied 5 years ago

Could you please provide me an email address and I will email you with specifics?

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

You can contact us via: [email protected]

replied 5 years ago

I sent you an email, please reply and lets move forward with this…

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

Yes, I’m checking your email

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Hi, the DW Q&A pro have more short code. how ever i’m not sure about your idea please pm me directly at the live chat channel and tell me more about your idea :

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