chan liu
asked 11 years ago

1. how can I add post per permanent to search result page;
I want to show the post URL in each search result after the excerpt in search result page only
2. how can I have the right length of excerpt in the page 
I am the Chinese website, and the excerpt doesnt work well in all post list page in the whole sit. please check the url below for example.
how can I define the maximum length in the excerpt? 
3. how can I resolve the garbled code problem?
when i search the keyword with a “space”, the result page becomes like this: 
in this case, I use the keyword “爱情 “ 

3 Answers
chan liu
answered 11 years ago

I’ve already resolve the question 1 and 2.
please help with the question 3.

answered 11 years ago

Hello Chan !
I have sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We are checking and fix the issue as soon as possible.

answered 11 years ago

Hi Chan  !
Issue3: To resolve the issue with the Searchform, you can log in to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > General Setting, add the following code to the Footer Script:

   $(this).find('[name="s"]').val( $.trim( $(this).find('[name="s"]').val() ) );

Hope this helps !

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