asked 5 years ago

There is no featured image or anything allowed when making a question, but these ugly grey boxes appearing below my questions which are my other questions. How do I get rid of these boxes? 

3 Answers
answered 5 years ago

Please send me your site URL for further checking.

replied 5 years ago

Also, my other question removing the email and username from my people being able to respond, I want them to be able to respond anonymously. People don’t want to give their email to answer a simple question. A name is okay but not an email.

answered 5 years ago

So… I going to get an answer or just keep waiting and praying?? Thanks

replied 5 years ago

I just want to delete the email and username requirement to answer my questions, that is it.

answered 5 years ago

At the moment, you can not remove these fields. The fields specify that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.
In this case, you can open the answer-submit-form.php in the dw-question-answer-pro/templates/styles/default folder then find the line 20 to line 29 and replace it with the following code:

        <p style="display: none;">
            <label for="_dwqa_anonymous_email"><?php _e( 'Your Email', 'dwqa' ) ?></label>
            <?php $email = isset( $_POST['_dwqa_anonymous_email'] ) ? $_POST['_dwqa_anonymous_email'] : ''; ?>
            <input type="email" class="dwqa-question-anonymous-email" name="_dwqa_anonymous_email" value="[email protected]" readonly>
        <p style="display: none;">
            <label for="_dwqa_anonymous_name"><?php _e( 'Your Name', 'dwqa' ) ?></label>
            <?php $name = isset( $_POST['_dwqa_anonymous_name'] ) ? $_POST['_dwqa_anonymous_name'] : ''; ?>
            <input type="text" class="dwqa-question-anonymous-name" name="_dwqa_anonymous_name" value="Anonymous" readonly>
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