Hello, first of all, thank you for a great template. and i am sorry if my English hard to understand, because it not so good. how to change the home page post using excerpt without read more tag? btw i am not using a fresh installation from 0, but i wanna change whole website template to DW Gamez. the problem is i have so many post, and i think it impossible to add read more tag one by one on each post. the main website is:and the development for testing i use
Thank you for posting on our community and hope that you have a nice day π I understand what you have experienced. We can’t give answer timely as you wish because of the difference of timezone between us. Hope that you understand. To resolve this, please follow our instruction below:
Open the content.php file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-gamez”. find the line 32.
Replace the following code:
<?php the_content( __( 'Read more ...', 'dw-gamez' ) ); ?>
With new code:
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
Hope this helps !
okay, thank you for the answer, i will try it
hi thank you, that was really help. now my home page have excerpt π
My first time experience buying a template here very disappoint!
really bad support, and none from developer to answer it.
8 Hours without answer from dev team.
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replied 10 years ago
bump,,,, any respond from designwall please…need this urgent
replied 10 years ago
4 hours without any respond -.-“
replied 10 years ago
up up up
replied 10 years ago
bump bump bump