asked 5 years ago

How can I change the names of the filters throughout the system to something custom. I can keep the same function/logic such as “Closed” closing the question to more comments, but want to change the descriptive text.
For example, “Closed” in the context of the website I am working on, would be better served by saying something like “Locked”, and “Resolved” by either “Solved” or “Settled”.
Might I be able to change these in the database and have everything still work, or is some of the funtionality dependent on these specific words.

1 Answers
answered 5 years ago

If you want to change the word, you should use the LocoTranslate plugin to translate it. 
We have included all the language files in the plugin. You can use the Locotranslate plugin to create a new language file.

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