Is it possible to clear the question form after submiting the question ? Visitors are used to clicking the submit button several times and i have to delete duplicate messages.
At the moment, the plugin can not clear the form after submitting a question, I have sent and notified to our technical team about this issue, we will check and resolve this issue in the next version.
Ok, thanks Dominic.
Similarly, only the title of the question is required. Description should be required because some people just fill the title and it’s a strange behaviour
You can open the Handle.php file in the plugins/dw-question-answer-pro/inc folder then add the following code to line 411.
if ( empty( $_POST['question-content'] ) ) {
dwqa_add_notice( __( 'You must enter a valid question content.', 'dwqa' ), 'error' );
return false;
Great, it works perfectly, thanks again Dominic !
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