Matthew Lequick
asked 10 years ago

Hello. I have ten published client entries. Yet the clients page shows only six. Is there a setting somewhere that must be changed to reveal all published clients?

3 Answers
well wisher
answered 10 years ago

If by client you mean post item over here then may be the cause for this would be the max no. posts allowed in dashboard>>setttings set them to 10

Matthew Lequick
replied 10 years ago

Thank you well wisher, but this is not the solution. My reading settings indicate Blog pages show at most 20 posts. I still see only 6 of the client entries, which I believe are coming from clients.php and a shortcode on a page called clients that looks like this: [onepage_clients].
Could it be anything else?

answered 10 years ago

Hi Matthew,
To resolve this issue you can use the following shortcode: [onepage_clients display=”random ” row=”2 ” col=”6″]
Please note that number of the posts will be calculated by the formula below: row*col.
As such, according to the shortcode I gave above, number of posts will be 2*6=12.  

Matthew Lequick
replied 10 years ago

Yes, thank you! That is working.
If I remove ‘display=random’ will posts be displayed sorted by publish date? For example, if there are 15 posts and row=”2″ and col=”6″, will Wall show the newest 12 posts and ignore the oldest 3 posts?

answered 10 years ago

– By default, the shortcode onepage_client is sorted randomly.
However, if you want to sort by publish date, you just replace display=”random” with display=”latest”. Take a look at the following example for more details:
[onepage_clients display=”latest” row=”2 ” col=”6″]
– Of course, if there are 15 posts and row=”2″ and col=”6″,
Wall will show the newest 12 posts and ignore the oldest 3 posts.
– Or you can try the other solution to display latest 15 posts:
[onepage_clients display=”latest” row=”3 ” col=”5″]

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