well wisher
asked 11 years ago

Hi everyone,
My questions are related to wallpress theme as so many things are going around here in designwall community all that dwqa buzz and all has created a lot of excitement but at the same time wallpress users have to be limited due buddypress incompatibility and not able to personalise the whole experience as they get in here on designwall.com,so here are few question which i think may be going in mind of each and every wallpress user.
1).release date of updated wallpress version that will be completely compatible with buddypress,yes i have read all the code tweaks here in designwall questions and answers community like  bp-custom.php etc and all which can help things work temporarily but at the same time compromises with the beautiful standard look and personalised feel of the whole wallpress theme.
Buddypress(“extended profiles”)+wordpress+dwqa => awesome site and community but wallpress users have to stay tight handed for now when it comes to buddypress extended profiles.
2).I want to know how can i disable my default social sharing options(for example share this buttons or add this buttons) from showing up “only” in single questions page as i would like to use the upcoming dwqa embeded plugin instead on questions page while using the default(sharethis buttons or any other etc) on my other wordpress single posts.
3).I also use related posts plugin which is also showing up in the single question just after the question body or content area ,above the bar containing the author name category etc of the the question as it automatically adds related posts after posts i would like a option to switch off the related posts from showing up in just single questions page while having them enabled in my default wordpress single posts something like as shown in he screen shot below just assume “show buttons in these” options to be “show (related) posts in these” as there is that kinda facililty available in most of the related posts plugins i have tried ,adding some line of code so that a check box for “single questions” similar to “single posts” may appear to uncheck will be great!!!
Thanks !

5 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Wellwisher!
Thanx for a your question.
For your point 2. you are using the short code of the Twitter Facebook Social Share plugin in your single question template file. If you want to use the clean and seamless styled social sharing on your single questions, simply remove the shortcode you can see in the pic you shared
<?php  if(function_exists(‘kc_add_social_share’)) kc_add_social_share(); ?>
You can use the above code for pages that you want to display these sharing options.
For your point 3. you might have to tweak the code for the related posts plugin to achieve your needs.
Hope this helps.

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

the pic i attached here is just for example and not related to the sharing or related plugin i actually use ,it was just to illustrate what i actually need,i am very well aware of the solution you provided,the problem with that solution is that i have to place the code manually in all other places as well (like single posts or pages which currently is done by just a simple click on a checkbox) @guru thanks for the interest i appreciate your help but again tweaking with code is going to increase the work load to do the same in single post and pages while we just need is something that recognise the single question post seperately and we can just uncheck the box to disable the buttons or related post from showing up there as i stated in my question last part above

answered 11 years ago

Ah ok!
I guess what I have understood now is that you want the sharing feature in DWQA to be an option in the settings with a checkbox just like private question checkbox.
I am beginning to agree that it would make more sense if this sharing/embedding feature is made available as part of the DWQA plugin (of course with an option to disable it per page/type basis) and not an extra plugin as it would create confusion for those who don’t know about the add on plugin.

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

No thats not what i meant it doesnt matter if the embed+social feature is inbuilt or we have to install a extra plugin to do the task ,what i meant to say is this:
Follow these steps:
1.scroll up to the attached screen shot and see the part which says “show button in these pages” there are several options (with checkboxes available to choose from including single posts , pages) made available which are detected by the sharing plugin.
2.what i need is let the dwqa plugin do something that those kinda sharing plugins starts(which in my case is ” a related posts plugin” [ and “not a sharing plugin actually” having a similar kinda settings page as shown in screenshot (as i already said the screenshot is just for illustration) ]recognising the “single questions post” so that they can get available in settings page as checkbox option just like there are options
for example my related post plugin for now have options “show related posts on” 1.single posts 2.pages ………etc..
and after modification or update in dwqa plugin it should start saying
“show related posts on” 1.single posts 2.pages 3.”single question” etc.

well wisher
answered 11 years ago

any solution to the problem anyone ?

Jackie Lord
replied 11 years ago

Can you share your codes that you are modified? We can working together to bring those features into the official WallPress theme package.

Jackie Lord
replied 11 years ago

Can you contact me via: j4ckielord [at] gmail.com

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

sorry @jackie i was out for few days yaa sure i will do that as soon as possible thanks

Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

Any update on this project @wellwisher?

well wisher
answered 11 years ago

 the css i added to my style.css file is at http://snippi.com/s/5j7ehrn and then created a new template named it buddy or simply set the buddypress pages to full width
the code in new template is

* Template Name: buddy
* @package WallPress
* @since WallPress 1.0.3

get_header(); ?>
<div id=”container”>
<div id=”content”>
<div id=”item-0″>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( ‘content-page’, get_post_format() ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

i dont think thats a standard solution as the css is copy paste from various themes but it works just fine for me without any effect on my site speed and load time

well wisher
answered 11 years ago

Actually there is one other method for making wallpress buddypress compatible i tried it on my localhost and it worked ,what we need to do is copy all the buddypress directory folders that is: members,groups,forums,activity,blogs,bp,registration
into your theme directory just like we have created a dwqa-templates folder in our theme directory,i got this idea by seeing other famous themes like frisco(one of my favorite) or ibuddy etc which are doing the same thing and after searching for a long time on internet i found that there used to be plugin called buddypress-template-pack which used to do the same thing(copying folders) for us automatically but unfortunately it is not available on wordpress plugins directory now,but still we can do this copy thing very easily as almost everyone is expert in copy pasting i suppose @jackie try it and let me know if it still works though i am not sure that its a secure and the right way of doing this

answered 11 years ago

Hey, my friends, thank you for all awesome stuffs for our theme 🙂 We will try for our Demo site and of course, will let you know once done. Stay tuned and don’t hesitate to raise your feedback. We’re looking forward to hearing more from you.

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