I just downloaded Minion for a project I am working on and I was wondering if you had any additional documentation or shortcode documentation? I see the Typography template has some of what I am looking for, but the demo shows things like progress bars and a timeline etc…
Thanks for your time!
– Zac
replied 11 years ago
I did find the DW Shortcode Bootstrap plugin on WP, but I am not sure how it is supposed to work.
replied 11 years ago
Okay I decided to try this the DW Question & Answer with a Theme that I have, but the display isn’t quite right. I followed your instructions to create the three files and place them in the dwqa-templates folder in my theme, but the question & answer functionality is displayed below my footer for some reason.
I am not exactly sure what to use from the page.php code to fix this and I don’t have a live site because it’s on my local machine while I am working with it.
Any help would be appreciated.