Hi guys, i just finished develop a new plugin for DW Magz , it provided extra widget for the theme , with slider like DW-focus( including 2 styles ) and the Metro-feature like DW Argo, you guys can download it here: https://github.com/Pumpkjn/dw-magz-extra-widgets
This widget can support display on sidebar and offcanvas-sidebar of the theme too.
You guys can have a look at these pictures :
I think this will help the theme to have more styles to display, and have effective way to show the visitor what’s your website about.
All you need to do is go to the back-end > appearance > widgets and use it :
Please, leave your feed back about this project so i can improve it in the future, and make it plug in other theme. Glad.
No judgement, but you should know that Chrome is reporting this file as malicious.
@David Rummelhoff: hi, thank you for your advice , i’ve checked it again and switch the download link to Github. Thank you very much !
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