asked 4 years ago

I used DW Minion on last WordPress installation, and I updated my server for PHP8.
The theme makes my WordPress crash : “critical error”.
The error is :

Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function create_function() in /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-content/themes/dw-minion2/inc/widgets.php:209
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-content/themes/dw-minion2/functions.php(62): require()
#1 /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-settings.php(528): include('...')
#2 /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-config.php(100): require_once('...')
#3 /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-load.php(37): require_once('...')
#4 /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('...')
#5 /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-admin/customize.php(13): require_once('...')
#6 {main}
thrown in /var/www/bonnesnotes/wp-content/themes/dw-minion2/inc/widgets.php on line 209

How could I fix that ? Thanks.

5 Answers
answered 4 years ago

I sent and notified our technical team about this issue, we are checking and will fix the issues as soon as possible.

answered 4 years ago

Please send me your username & password of your site, I will help you fix the issues.

Karl Zöller
answered 2 years ago

This theme still seems broken with PHP8. Tested on a clean installation of WP and it fails with critical error.

Dominic Staff
replied 2 years ago

We are checking and will fix this issue as soon as possible.

Владимир Корнилов
replied 2 years ago

Hello. Is there a solution to this problem? I want to have the current version of PHP

Владимир Корнилов
answered 2 years ago

Hello. Is there a solution to this problem? I want to have the current version of PHP

Danilo B
answered 2 years ago

Hi, the theme still does not work with PHP 8. When installing WordPress using Docker, there aren’t images anymore for WordPress 6.2 with PHP 7, so a page cannot be updated anymore with your theme.
I’d understand it if you would stop supporting a theme after 10 years. However, you write that “we are checking and will fix the issues as soon as possible”. Will there be any fixes, or is the “DW Minion” theme abandoned?

answered 8 months ago

Using DW Minion with PHP8 can enhance your development workflow with its improved performance and new features. DW Minion, a powerful task runner for web projects, integrates seamlessly with PHP8, allowing you to take full advantage of the latest PHP improvements. To get started, ensure your environment is upgraded to PHP8 and compatible with DW Minion’s dependencies. Update your project configuration to utilize PHP8’s new syntax and functionalities, such as union types, named arguments, and attributes, which can help streamline your code and reduce errors. Additionally, test your existing tasks to ensure they run smoothly under the new PHP version. Leveraging DW Minion with PHP8 can significantly boost your project’s efficiency and maintainability.

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