asked 12 years ago

Thanks for your help adding additional social icons to the connect > social widget. I created second state graphics (“name-1.png”) following the existing pattern. But I am unable to get these to work (while the text label does work). Is there another line of code I need to change? If so, where can I find this. Thanks!

2 Answers
answered 12 years ago

Hello Luminstudio !
You should take note the Class of <li> ex: the link for Facebook will have the format:

<li class =“facebook”> 

The css code for hover state of facebook link :

.widget .socials-connect li.facebook a:hover {background-image: url("assets/img/facebook-1.png");}

If you want to add a social link, you need to change Class and add css for it
Then change the image path:  “assets/img/facebook-1.png “
For example : if you want to add social link for delicious.
step 1: you changed class of  “li”:

<li><a href="#">Delicous</a></li>

step 2: add the following CSS code:

.widget .socials-connect li.delicious a:hover {background-image: url("assets/img/delicious-1.png");}

step 3: change the image path here: assets/img/delicious-1.png

answered 11 years ago

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