Hi, I\’m using DW Timeline Pro and I would like to remove Post Format \”Standard\” visibility on my front page. Could you kindly help me with that? I don\’t want to remove Post Format from WP. Only the visibility on my front page.
Thank you
Are you want to remove the “Standard” word on the front-end? Please send me a screenshot for further checking.
Hey Dominic, Thank you so much for your reply. I’ve managed to remove “Standard” word from the front end. I used this code:
.style-flat .hentry .entry-format {
display: none !important;
But I have another question for you. I want to remove Side bar [Hamburger Menu] from my Front page and place all my widgets on the banner cover on the Front page. I know how to remove Side bar menu but I’m not sure how to place all my widgets on the banner cover on the Front page. Could you please help with that?
Thank you so much
Hey Dominic. I found this awesome Plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-custom-widget-area/ but once I insert widgets on my Front page the plugin is not responsive and not mobile friendly. Also is it possible to keep the Header of my Front page same size once I insert widgets instead of extending the Header size once the Plugin is inserted?
Is there anything I can do about this issues?
Thank you
Please send me your site URL for further checking
My website: https://linkerss.com/
I kind of managed to add widgets and custom Header but the only problem the widgets are not responsive. Any solution to this?
I would appreciate your help,
Thank you
You can use the following CSS code to show the widget section on the mobile:
@media screen and (max-width: 736px) {
widget-options.css:1:780body .extendedwopts-hide.extendedwopts-mobile {
display: none;
Hey Dominic, Thanks for your reply. I’ve tried your code but nothing happened. I used some other methods and somehow I managed to fix the issue partly.
This time I would like to ask you another question. I’ve set the website Tagline in the Theme customization box and I want tagline to appear only in browsers. So I removed Tagline descriptions from the website and it worked pretty well but once I refresh website Tagline still appears for a second while loading the page. Once the page is loaded Tagline disappear.
How can I avoid that preload Tagline appearance once I try to refresh the website?
Thank you
Please send me a screenshot for further checking, I have accessed your site and see that the theme you are using is not the DW Timeline Pro. Right?
It’s hard to send you a screenshot since it’s preloaded issue.
I use DW Timeline Pro 1.0.6 but with lot of customization.
Any chance you help me with this issue?
Thank you
Very hard to check this issue, I have checked and can not find the Tagline on your site.
Please send me your username & password of your site for further checking.
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