On the left hand side of this is the blogpost and on the right there is blank space. Now, five questions: 1 How to delete Meta section 2. How to delete archive section, 3. How to delete search column, 4. Why is there space on the right 5. How to modify this space, i.e., how to decrease this space? http://imgur.com/40hjV95
These are widgets, just go to Admin > Appearance > Widgets and drag out the widgets you don’t want.
No, its not going away that way.
No, its not going away that way.
Well then you’ll have to do some CSS coding.
1, 2 ,3. To remove Meta section you can add the following code to the style.css file
#meta, #searchform, #archives {
display: none;
4, 5. That is our own design for Wallpress theme. To edit this space or decrease the space, you can add the following code to the style.css file
#sidebar-secondary {
margin-left: ...px;
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