andrea grossi
asked 11 years ago

How can I add the possibility to twit a text also in home page

andrea grossi
replied 11 years ago

sorry, wrong section

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hello Andrea !
Please let us know if you need more assistance for this question. In case, you resolved the problem, you can mark the status for the question as “Closed” .
If you have any question, please create new question, we will help you resolve it !


andrea grossi
replied 11 years ago

I have bought the pro theme and there it’s possible to tweet a selected text but only inside te post, not in the home page.
Is it possible to do the same with a text in home page?

answered 11 years ago

Sorry for the late reply!
At the moment, DW Timeline does not yet support this feature as you would like, the theme only supports it in the single post.

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