I’m looking for the change logs for the Focus theme. We are running 1.0.5 and see there’s a new version and I hate upgrading unless I know what’s been upgraded. If you don’t do this…it’d be a nice touch for those of us who’d like to see the changes made. Thanks!
1 Answers
The changelog of each version is put into the readme.txt file (in the theme folder). In case you can not find it, please take a look at the following content:
= 1.0.8 =
- Fix: The images of the posts are stretched in full width when printing it out
- Fix: Broken avatar when uploading through backend.
- Fix: Can't choose the meta infomation of post of the following widgets from Customize section: DW Focus: Popular News, DW Focus: Featured News, DW Focus: Category"
- Fix: Can't choose meta infomation of post of DW Focus: Category widget when adding it to DW Focus: Tabs widget
- Fix: Automatically display 3 blocks for category when choosing full width style.
= 1.0.7 =
- Fix: Disable / enable RSS, Login
- Fix: Break layout when the tag is “span”
- Fix: Overlap title in Headline widget
- Fix: Minor bugs in style
- New: Custom fonts Supported
- New: Ready for translation
- New: Support DW focus: latest news widget
- New: Plugin “co-authors plus” supported
= 1.0.6 =
- Fix: Show the author info and category info of the following widgets: DW Focus: Recent News, DW Focus: Category.
- Fix: Timestamp on DW Focus: Recent Comments widget displays incorrectly.
- New: Add Style Selector settings to the Customize section in the back-end.
= 1.0.5 =
- Fix: Widgets do not work properly in WordPress 3.8.
- Fix: Show the author info and category info of the following widgets: DW Focus: Featured News, DW Focus: Popular News.
- New: Hire/ Display the top news in navigation settings
- New: Layout full width page template.
Also, to compare the difference of two versions, try using the tool below:
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