Chris Berg
asked 11 years ago

I’m looking for the change logs for the Focus theme. We are running 1.0.5 and see there’s a new version and I hate upgrading unless I know what’s been upgraded. If you don’t do this…it’d be a nice touch for those of us who’d like to see the changes made. Thanks!

1 Answers
Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

The changelog of each version is put into the readme.txt file (in the theme folder). In case you can not find it, please take a look at the following content:

= 1.0.8 =
- Fix: The images of the posts are stretched in full width when printing it out
- Fix: Broken avatar when uploading through backend.
- Fix: Can't choose the meta infomation of post of the following widgets from Customize section: DW Focus: Popular News, DW Focus: Featured News, DW Focus: Category"
- Fix: Can't choose meta infomation of post of DW Focus: Category widget when adding it to DW Focus: Tabs widget
- Fix: Automatically display 3 blocks for category when choosing full width style.

= 1.0.7 =
- Fix: Disable / enable RSS, Login
- Fix: Break layout when the tag is “span”
- Fix: Overlap title in Headline widget
- Fix: Minor bugs in style
- New: Custom fonts Supported
- New: Ready for translation
- New: Support DW focus: latest news widget
- New: Plugin “co-authors plus” supported

= 1.0.6 =
- Fix: Show the author info and category info of the following widgets: DW Focus: Recent News, DW Focus: Category.
- Fix: Timestamp on DW Focus: Recent Comments widget displays incorrectly.
- New: Add Style Selector settings to the Customize section in the back-end.

= 1.0.5 =
- Fix: Widgets do not work properly in WordPress 3.8.
- Fix: Show the author info and category info of the following widgets: DW Focus: Featured News, DW Focus: Popular News.
- New: Hire/ Display the top news in navigation settings
- New: Layout full width page template.

Also, to compare the difference of two versions, try using the tool below:

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