J Singh
asked 10 years ago

We love this theme but needed to make a few tweaks.
The font color in the footer was too dark but we were able to make changes to style.css and lighten it up. Is there a better way of doing this?
The reason for this request is that the same type of change for links gets over-ridden by something in custom.less (line 347). How to force the color change in that situation?

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

To change color of links in the footer text, below is our instruction:
Firstly, follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here. http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/blog/using-jetpack-custom-css-for-your-wordpress-site/
Then add the code to the Edit Css.

#colophon.dark { color: #...; }
#colophon.dark a {color: #...; }

Hope this helps !

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