All the links on my website is in Black color and i want to change the link color to red? Please tell me how i can change the link color.
To resolve this problem, you can log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General Settings > Add the following code in the “Header Script”
a {
color: #...;
Also, you can send me a screenshot for further checking.
Hope this helps !
Hey, I only want to change the link color under posts, but the CSS you provided changes the link color in all places like homepage also.
please tell me more, you want to change the link color under posts in the category or home page. please send me a screenshot for further checking.
The highlighted “See Also” section is a link, but it appears in Black color, so it is not visible to anyone. I want to change the link color to red.
To change link color under post in the single post page, you can log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General Settings > Add the following code in the “Header Script”
.single-post .entry-content a {
color: #...;
.single-post .entry-content a:hover {
color: #...;
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