asked 11 years ago

Hi there,
how can I change the symbol of the extra menü (button is shown right of the navigation)? At the moment there`s a triangle symbol (pointing downwards).
I want to display a questionmark symbol (because the menu links to question & answer page).
Best regards,

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

To resolve this issue, below is our instruction:
Firstly, follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here.
Then add the code to the Edit Css. (E.g: use icon size 40x40px)

.select-page .dropdown-toggle span { 
      background: url('FILE URL');
      border: none; 
      height: 40px;
      width: 40px;   
.select-page .dropdown-toggle {
     border: none;

Note: Please add your icon image to the Media then copy FIle URL on the right hand side and change here: FILE URL

replied 11 years ago

Great Solution! Thank you very much Dominic, it works fine! 🙂

answered 11 years ago
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