asked 6 years ago

I have checked the questions and the answers are 5 years old. The files required to edit in those answers do not exist in the latest release.. for rg. answers.php. So can I achieve this now?

1 Answers
answered 6 years ago

In this case, you can use the plugin to disable the WordPress login or redirect to the login page as you want. Also, you can try the following code in the functions.php filre:

function custom_login(){
 global $pagenow;
 //  URL for the HomePage. You can set this to the URL of any page you wish to redirect to.
 $blogHomePage = get_bloginfo('url');
 //  Redirect to the Homepage, if if it is login page. Make sure it is not called to logout or for lost
password feature
if( 'wp-login.php' == $pagenow && $_GET['action']!="logout" && $_GET['action']!="lostpassword") {


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