How to translate theme focus to turkish?
Hello, serdar çamoğlu. Welcome to this question page.
You can translate this plugin with other pluign, called “CodeStyling Localization”, very easy.
Good luck!
@Diego: Thanks for the answer Diego.
@Serdar !
– Yes, you can use other plugin to translate our theme, like Diego said.
– Or you can use .po and .mo file to translate:
- Download and install Poedit
- Download the
- Open the file in Poedit.
- (See Image) The box labeled (1) is the original message (in English) from the POT file. The box labeled (2) is where you add your translation. Boxes labeled (3) and (4) are used for adding comments about the messages. These come in handy if you are working with a team of translators and would like to pass around ideas through the PO file.
- Go to File → Save as… to save your translations in a PO file.
- When you are finished translating, go to File → Save as… again to generate the MO file.
- Or you can set your Poedit to always compile a MO file when saving changes by clicking File → Preferences and on the Editor tab check the Automatically compile .mo file on save box.
Hope this helps !
Thanks for your replies guys. Another theme will be how the Turkish language file kullanmsa? My English is bad, I’m sorry.
Hi Serdar !
Which theme do you want to translate? Because not all of our themes support .po and .mo file yet. We will update the .po & .mo for all the themes soon.
DW Focus theme you want to use. Please be Turkish.
Currently, You can follow the steps that we answered before, We will update for the DW Focus in the next version.
Thank you. Waiting for the new version.
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