asked 7 years ago

I write questions and answers with custom HTML.
For example

    <td>Row 1 / Col 1</td>
    <td>Row 1 / Col 2</td>


Row 1 / Col 1 Row 1 / Col 2

The table tags are stripped to becomes <p> and <br>. Other tags like <h1> are not respected as well.

How could I configure to preserve all the HTML tags to submit a better Q & A?

Thanks a lot!

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Yes, I have checked on our demo and the plugin does not support to include the HTML  in the question content or answer. I sent and notified to our technical team about this issue, We will check and discuss about it.

replied 7 years ago

Thank you very much for the feature request. It would be very nice if at least the table and header (e.g. h1, h2, etc.) tags are supported (maybe in the visual editor). It helps a lot in structuring the content.

Dominic Staff
replied 7 years ago

Thank for your interesting in our product and feedback. We will check it.

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