I am doing something wrong setting up mega menu. I created the news grid widget so now 3 articles appear, one in each column but no thumbnails. The articles do have featured images but just white space showing. Is there a step by step guide for using mega menu plugin?
Firstly, you can find here for the document guide on how to configure the Mega menu: http://www.designwall.com/guide/dw-mega-menu/
If you still face there issue, you can send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.
![here is an example](https://makingmusicmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Screen-Shot-2015-10-07-at-10.28.05-AM.png "enter image title here")
Here is an example of the mega menu not showing the thumbnail image.
Another question, the zipped file you sent seemed to have two copies of the plugin inside
The dw-megamenu.php file at the top level says version 1.0.0 and the dw-megamenu.php file inside the subfolder says 1.0.1. Should I just zip the subfolder and upload that as the plugin?
I have checked the package that sent to you in the yesterday. Sorry about that. Right now, you can download new package here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oj6eo1rj1vgn6nn/dw-megamenu.zip?dl=0
Please let us know, if it not work.
Hope this helps !
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