Kashmir Window
asked 10 years ago

Missing: author
Missing: updated 
How to solve this
I am using yoast plugin and Dw Focus or how to disable rich snippets in dw focus

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

I have helped you via Email, you can check your email and let us know, if you still face there issue.

replied 10 years ago

I believe I am having similar issues between the theme and the plugin. When looking at the FB meta data pulls, I get several errors (see link to image). I’d greatly appreciate assistance.http://cl.ly/image/320D3b2a1X1b/Screen%20Shot%202014-11-12%20at%203.33.29%20PM.png

Dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

Firstly, you can check your version and sure your are using the latest version of the theme (DW Focus 1.0.9).

replied 10 years ago

Yes, running 1.0.9 of the theme.

Dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

You can find the datetime in the function “dw_focus_posted_on” of the inc/template-tags.php file, then find the line 140.
Also, you can find the author in the function “dw_focus_post_actions” of the functions.php file.

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