Kashmir Window
asked 10 years ago

Missing: author
Missing: updated 
How to solve this
I am using yoast plugin and Dw Focus or how to disable rich snippets in dw focus

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

I have helped you via Email, you can check your email and let us know, if you still face there issue.

replied 9 years ago

I believe I am having similar issues between the theme and the plugin. When looking at the FB meta data pulls, I get several errors (see link to image). I’d greatly appreciate assistance.http://cl.ly/image/320D3b2a1X1b/Screen%20Shot%202014-11-12%20at%203.33.29%20PM.png

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

Firstly, you can check your version and sure your are using the latest version of the theme (DW Focus 1.0.9).

replied 9 years ago

Yes, running 1.0.9 of the theme.

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

You can find the datetime in the function “dw_focus_posted_on” of the inc/template-tags.php file, then find the line 140.
Also, you can find the author in the function “dw_focus_post_actions” of the functions.php file.

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