i would like to move logo over navigation bar in mobile and tablet responsive version, how to?
i photoshopped an example (see attachment)
To move logo over navigation bar in mobile and tablet responsive version, You can open the header.php file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-focus”, find the line 69, and move the following code to the line 58.
<a class="small-logo hidden-desktop" rel="home" title="DW Focus" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">DW Focus</a>
See the screenshot:
After moving the code in the header.php file: You can log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General Settings, add the following code to the Header Script.
#main {
padding-top: 35px;
Hope this helps !
it works but now navbar go over title…
and logo is not fullwidth..
you can see on http://www.bloglive.it
Please add the following code to the “Header Script”
Hope this helps !
mobile ok, desktop ok.. but i have problem on tablet version..
navbar go over featured image or title.
you can see on http://www.bloglive.it
from @media 465 to @media 581
can you list me all @media steps for responsive?
Please active the DW Focus Theme in your Dashboard or you can send me username & password your site for further checking (via private answer)
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