You can see my site,
1. How do i remove the timestamp from the Trending Now headline scroll? (I already removed the line of code from the mega-menu reading a previous question).
2. When I click into any article, I still see a “x hours ago” timestamp at the top next to the title. How do I remove all timestamps?
3. I am using your twitter widget, but I can’t get my search string to show me the data I want. Here is the string ( – I am entering this url after [from:] in the search query box. I have also tried using this url [ – with no success. What syntax do I use to get this twitter search to display?
4. Image size – what are the image sizes that correspond to a Large, Medium and Thumbnail size as defined by the theme? If I upload the largest size, will the theme auto-resize when the smaller images are called for?
5. Footer Logo – I have resized my bottom logo to under 102×30 but my image is still being cutoff. Please see the bottom of my site to confirm. How do I get this to display correctly?
6. Site Index – How do I disable this?
1. Please, log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General Settings > add the following code in the “Header Script”
.time_diff {
display: none;
2. log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General Settings > add the following code in the “Header Script”
.single-post .entry-date {
display: none;
3. I sent and notified our technical team about problem. We are checking and fixing. We will inform you as soon as possible.
4. We mostly use the size 500×400 for all the article images. The system will automatically resize and get the smaller images for the website. To be specific:
– 500×400 images are used for:
News Slider
Featured Image
Single post and Featured Image
First article of Category Archive
– 230×130 are used for:
Recent news, Featured News, Popular News (If you select Medium size images)
Category (3 cols)
News Carousel
Articles on Archive page
– 110×110 are used for:
Recent news, Featured News, Popular News (If you select Thumbnail image size)
Category (1 col)
5. log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General Settings > add the following code in the “Header Script”
#colophon.dark #site-info .small-logo {
background-size: 100%;
6. To resolve this problem you can remove the “site index” and you can do that by Logging in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General setting > Add the following code in the “Header Script”
.footer-toggle.pull-right {
display: none;
Dominic, awesome. Keep me posted on the image resize issue, I still see my images being blown up far beyond 500×400 within a single post.
One more thing, the footer logo fix, making it 100% like you reference in #5 above, my logo is still chopped off at the bottom. What dimension does the footer logo need to be?
Dominic, still need help with the footer logo. I applied the fix, and its not working. Any update on images being resized larger than 500×400?
Please log in to Dashboard > Theme > Customize > General Settings > Add the following code to the “Header Script”
#colophon.dark #site-info .small-logo {
background-size: auto auto !important;
height: 31px !important;
Or you can send me username & password your site, I can help you resolve this problem.
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