Hi There,
I am running a health care website. where both patient and doctors are allowed to register.
Here I want to register doctors by special link and should be available with different role.
Patients can use default registration and login pages/links.
Is this possible to achieve using any technique. However I went through below. But I did not find a great way to achieve my requirements.
Hi harsh i see your requirement its like job portal thing different logins and registrations for recruiters and job seekers i think you should try this http://wordpress.org/plugins/membership/ and premium for the same https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/membership/ and this one seems much closer to your reqirement http://wordpress.org/plugins/s2member/
Hi All,
Thanks for looking into my issue. I am going for wp-members plugin.
I am trying to use defaut login/sign up for patients and wp-members sign up and login for Doctors.
thats great please do provide info after testing and using the same whether it resolved your issue or not coz i am myself very keen to have this kinda feature with simple installation thanks
Hi Well wisher,
Here we go 🙂
Please check below ink of my test site.
Doctor’s Sign Up.
Doctor’s Login.
But I am not happy with the appearance of each fields i.e username in registration form. I want to see it bit longer. Any one out there who can work upon If I provide them them the css file.
One more thing. Here both users Doctor's and Patients Login and registration details are going in same table.
For better distinction it should store in another table so that we can distinguish among the doctor and patients for better login and password reset feature.
I have started a thread here on plugin support forum.
Hi harsh the work seems to look fine plus regarding the size of the username box the size can be changed by twi ways have a look here http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_input_size just change the value in size field and click submit to have an idea
The other way is set the width in css inspect the class of the element and add width=whatever_value px; this will change the size of the username filed
We have below details can you please give a idea how we can add the custom CSS in my theme to increase the length of username field.
below is the source code of harsh031.0fees.net/doctors-sign-up/
<div id="wpmem_reg"><a name="register"></a><form name="form" method="post" action="http://harsh031.0fees.net/doctors-sign-up/" id="" class="form"><fieldset><legend>New User Registration</legend><label for="username" class="text">Choose a Username<font class="req">*</font></label><div class="div_text"><input name="log" type="text" id="log" value="" class="username" /></div>
its the last one: <input name="log" type="text" id="log" value="" class="username" /> add an "size" attribute to it should then look like this
<input name="log" type="text" id="log" value="" class="username" size="n"/>
where n can be any numerical value like for eg: id you want n=100 then do this
<input name="log" type="text" id="log" value="" class="username" size="100"/>
Thanks A lot well wisher.
I added below codes in my theme CSS.
#wpmem_reg .username{
margin: 6px 0 0 0;
width: 30%;
#wpmem_reg .textbox{
margin: 6px 0 0 0;
width: 30%;
But My New Milestone is..
I want to give author role to all my doctor's. And Only doctors are supposed to login through this login page.
To achieve it I need to validate the username's whether they are author are not, for each entry in the login form. If Not we should get an pop up message.
Please suggest if you have any idea how we can achieve this…???
we have wp_authenticate_username_password function.
the thing i am trying to say is just keep two registration pages but only one login affter login doctors get doctors role and others get default role
Hi well wisher,
For Time being I have thought to give the permission as author manually.
However I have created two links one will be using default sign up form and another will be wp-members.
Problem here is I can not restrict the profile field available in back end(dashboard profile). As all the fields created by wp-member is available for both doctors and patients in their profile.
Any way I have hide all the back-end info. A user can not access his/her wp-dashboard( I used Remove Dashboard Access plugin).
You can visit below link for more clarification of my work.
you can use theme my login plugin for that purpose it works great i myself use it on my site 🙂
Just want to follow up on your question, let us know if there is anything else we could help.
Hi Dominic,
Curreently I am facing below issues.
If possible can you please check my site.
I can email my web account details.
@well wisher. theme my login is not working for my site. I am getting CSS issue and all.
I am using wp-members as I have discussed above. But Now all my emails including account activation are going to spam folder.
Hi Hash !
Regarding your issue with the WP-Members plugin, please contact with author of plugin to get help.
Hi Dash,
This can be easily achieved using the Multiple Registration Forms module from Profile Builder.
It provides an intuitive UI for setting up multiple user registration forms with different fields for different types of users (user roles).
Here’s a short tutorial we wrote on how to set up multiple user registration forms.
Please login or Register to submit your answer
replied 11 years ago
I have come across below plugin as well.
replied 11 years ago
this seems a great option.
replied 11 years ago
try this as well http://wordpress.org/plugins/user-meta/ and http://wordpress.org/plugins/maven-member/screenshots/
replied 11 years ago
however i am afraid none of them do exactly what you want but you can create different registration forms by using these plugins and place them on two different pages using shorcodes then set up a page for registration with two columns one asking are you a doctor? and other are you a patient? and drop links to the respective user registration pages you set earlier
replied 10 years ago
Have a look into the Multiple Registration Forms module from Profile Builder, it’s can help with all your requirements: http://www.cozmoslabs.com/docs/profile-builder-2/modules/multiple-registration-forms/
replied 10 years ago
Too Expensive