asked 8 years ago

Great plugin, however at the moment I’m missing the following features:

  1. Redirect user after he asked a question to a specific URL
  2. Allow anonymous users to upvote / downvote

I saw you answered such issues in the past but for some reason I can’t find any appropriate solution for this today. I’d appreciate any help I can get.

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

In the latest version, we have some change in the layout and add some new files. To resolve this issue, you can open the Handle.php file in the Inc folder and find around line 480 to line 500 the following code:
exit( wp_safe_redirect( get_permalink( $new_question ) ) );
Then replace with the following code to redirect to home page:
exit( wp_safe_redirect( home_url() ) );
Notice: you can use similar to redirect user to any other page as you wish (in your case to the question listing page)
Eg: like this is my url : http://mysite/discussion-forum/
exit( wp_safe_redirect( home_url() .'discussion-forum/' ) );
2/ At the moment, the plugin does not support to allow anonymous users to upvote / downvote. If you want to have it, we are ready to help you as a custom work with a charge of fee ( about $40). 
In case that you are still interested in the feature, please kindly let us know, we will check and estimate the time.

replied 8 years ago

I will be interested in this customization for $40. How can we proceed in this matter?

Dominic Staff
replied 8 years ago

If you want to customize the plugin, you can check your email, and let me know.

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