asked 8 years ago


I’m the administrator for http://www.cevagraf.coop/posts (Argo Theme).

We are a printing company based in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain).

As you can see, the blog posts are written in Spanish.

As we are a Catalan company, a part of our audience also speak catalan, so we wish to include a manually-translated catalan version for each post, with its own URL.

We’d place a link on every post to switch language.

My question is:

Is there a way to show these posts in catalan but not showing them on the homepage, categories, etc.?

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

I know what you want But, it’s very hard to do it in the DW Argo theme, I think you can add another content to Excerpt box in the post and this content will only show on the homepage, categories page

See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/asgw9p

Also, you can try the following plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/

Hope this helps!

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