Trebaol Marie
asked 9 years ago


I use this template for few months. I want to suppress the menu in header and just keep the sidebar.
It’s OK on desktop but not in mobile. The icon for a second menu is still visible.

Can you please help me?

Many thanks,

My website: Belleville éditions

1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

@Trebaol Marie : hi, so sorry that having you in trouble with using DW Timeline pro. I think the reason here is that you just update the wordpress core to 4.3.1, so there is the NAV setting missing in the customizer with the old DW timeline Pro version. Normally if you disable the Nav-> Nav Enable Primary Navigation ? in the customizer, the button will not be there. Then to resolve this you need to add the Nav back to the customizer again and turn the Enable Primary navigation? off. All you need to do is open file : dw-timeline-pro\lib\customizer.phpthen go to line : 460 and add these code :

$wp_customize->add_section('nav', array(
    'title'    => __('Nav', 'dw-timeline'),
    'priority' => 100,

The Nav setting will show back up in the customizer and then you can turn it off.
Or if you have the right to download DW Timeline Pro in our website, you can just download the new package of DW Timeline Pro version 1.0.7, it’s also include new date paging feature( but not official yet ) like this demo :

If you still face this problem, you can send your site to me via private answer, i’ll help you resolve this. Glad

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