Hi. I have problem social sharing section. Facebook part is problemly. Facebook logo is correct but Facebook sharing name is different. İt shown twitter. I added image about this problem. Thanks for help
2 Answers
and another problem with megamenu. Subnemu isn’t shown articles. I added picture this problem. http://prntscr.com/5a9l2h
Apologies for the delay in replying to you.
To resolve this issue, you can open the custom.js file in the folder path “yourdomain/themes/dw-focus/assets/js/custom.js “. Find the line 297.
Replace the following code:
var menuid=$(this).attr('class').replace(/.*menu-item-category-(\d+)\s{0,1}.*/,'$1');
With new code :
var menuid= this.id.split('-')[2];
Hope this helps !
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