I have some question and problem about modify DW Focus theme to my website and I’ve send you the layout and the request of modify some banner position to you via your email at
so would you please help me about that . many thanks for your help.
Hi !
ok. we will check mail and reply.
Hi Dominic
According to the email that I’ve send to [email protected] yesterday, I just want to tell you that I’ve solved some problem that I already ask you in the email.
But there are some problems that I can’t fix it. It about how to change banner on the top of page to be just one big banner in one column ( No.2 in images attach in email ). Because every time I try to put the code in Header widget , it always be in 3 columns but I just want 1 column that can put in 728×90 banner size.
Second is about the widget Tabs in Home Content. and the problem is I can’t set more than 3 contents in the tabs because everytime I try to set more than 3 contents there will be wrong layout (like in attach file in email) so I don’t know how to fix this out
third, I just want to change the comment to be facebook comment so which plug-in will you recommended
forth, If I want to add the banner in the category page , content area ( separate by each category ) how can I do that.
would you please help me about this
many thanks to your help
Hi !
All my questions were answered and sent through the mail for you. Please check your mail
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